Your non-stop connection to late 90s German music.

Your non-stop connection to late 90s German music.


Da Hool -- "Meet her at the Loveparade"

I can't count the number of times I danced to this song at the Airport.

Wednesday nights, two for one night, I would be dancing like a maniac taking turns sipping the two large glasses of Hefeweissen that I held in my hands.

Smoke machines would fill the dancefloor and I would lose sight of everyone and everything, one dense white cloud.

Slowly, first forms, and then faces, would take shape and we would all be smiling and dancing together. Good times.

The BEST times.


  1. Greetz from Würzburg, Germany.

    For sure we met on the dancefloor years ago dancing to this song! ;-)
    Yeah, the good old times at Airport...the best in my life.
    Today, the "Air" is not what it was only counts Show and Shine...the party is not so big anymore :-(


  2. Markus,

    Thanks so much for your post! Good to hear voices from across the ocean in beautiful Wurzburg. Those days dancing in the club at the Airport were the best! When I got to Germany in 1998 I had never even heard of Red Bull -- now, of course, it is crazy popular here in the U.S. And when I got to Germany in 1998, electronica was still not mainstream in the U.S. Moby hadn't really caught on yet and it was all boy bands and hip hop. Nowadays when I hear the new music coming out I think, us Americans are just coming out with the style and feel of music that the Europeans came out with ten or fifteen years ago! (But our new stuff isn't nearly as cool) :-)

    So what's up with the Airport these days? What is the Show and Shine? Where did everybody go? Did the army post closing diminish the numbers? I want to return to Wurzburg so bad. I saw a neat profile on Bavaria and the Romantic Road on a travel show the other day and it definitely made me miss your wonderful city. :-)

    Wishing you well, a Happy Holidays and Fruhe Weinacht!!! :-)

